Middle Aged Men and Me

When you work for an escort service, you get a chance to meet men of all ages. One of the other girls at Putney escorts asked me the other day what sort of gents I like to hook up with on a date. I don’t mind really but I will admit that I really enjoy dating middle aged gents. They are not only fun to be with, but at the same time, they show you a lot of respect.

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In general I think that middle aged men have a bit of a problem here in London. It is easy for them to end up lonely and kind of a little bit lost. I would actually say that it is one of the reason they end dating us girls here at Putney escorts. It must be difficult to come out of a marriage that time of life, and not have anybody to turn when you like to go out for a meal or something like that.

I have rather a few regulars at Putney escorts, and most of my regulars are indeed middle aged men. Some of them may come to see me at least once a week, and all of them are very disappointed that I don’t work Saturday nights. To be honest, I could not go out for a couple of dinners on a Saturday night. It would just be totally impossible. Most of the time I try to schedule my dates during the week, so that I have one dinner per night.

Not all middle aged guys like to go out for dinner. Some of them are actually very good at coming up with creative dates, and I guess that is just one of the reasons I enjoy dating them so much. Most of the other girls here at Putney escorts are a bit less keen on dating middle aged gents, but if you would like to have a really good time, I think I would rather stick to dating middle aged gents and have some fun on my dates.

Would I marry one? I guess that I would marry a middle aged gent if I had the chance, but I also think it is rather important to be a little bit closer in ages if you are going to be in a long term relationship. I am sure that I am eventually going to meet a really nice guy, but I am not sure that it is going to be a middle aged guy. It would be nice to settle down with someone you really love, and finding love is not easy at all. A couple of the girls here at Putney escorts have met guys who have been older than they are, and from what I can tell, they are all in very happy relationships. One thing is for sure, my middle aged dates treat me like I am their little princess and I guess that I like that at a lot. We all need a little bit of a middle aged man in our lives.

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