Do you work for a Charlotte action escorts service? In that case you will know how important it is to look after yourself. However, there are some body parts which are more important than other to look after when you are a London escort. Would you like to know what body parts are really important to look after when you are an escort in London? In that case, I will be a very good girl today and let you in on a closely guarded secret. Not that sort of information us escorts in London normally share.
Believe it or not but looking after your feet is really important when you work for a London escorts service. Not only are you likely to spend long hours in stilettos but at the same time, you are likely to meet men who have a foot fetish or two. I don’t have a problem with dating guys who have a foot fetish as I rather enjoy having my feet tickled, In turns me on, and when you get a guy who does it just right, it is such a pleasure and I never want him to stop,
Having a good looking cleavage is vital when you work for London escorts. Some girls presume that your cleavage is going to look after itself but that is not true at all. I know that there are plenty of specialist creams that you can buy to look after your two breast friends and the rest of cleavage, but I am not sure that you need at all. I just make a really good cream which has plenty of ceramides in it and I find that does the trick. You don’t need to spend a fortune to look good, and many girls spend way too much on their beauty.
Your hair is one of the first thing most gents notice. I have very long blond hair, and I do spend a lot of time looking after when I date for London escorts. When I am on duty, I do wash my hair at least once a day, and to keep it in tip top condition, I make sure that I put plenty of conditioner on. I also visit the hairdresser for plenty of natural hair care treatments and that has helped me a lot. Some of the best hair shampoos on the market come from a company called Shiseido.
Don’t forget that the rest of you need to be looked after as well. I try to see a nail technician at least once a week to make sure that my nails look good. Of course, there are a lot of different treatments that you can try, and I do make the most of them. Sometimes I get to meet a really nice gentlemen at London escorts who love nothing better to give me a little treat. Just so you boys know, I love receiving gift vouchers to my favorite nail spa in London, and if you would like to give me one, it will be gratefully received.